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Draft: Create first public API with libmuttum 1.0.0

Adrien Dorsaz requested to merge board into main

To create a better usable public API, we create more objects.

I still want to improve this merge with:

  • MuttumLetter:
    • Update from struct to GObject with grapheme and state public properties
    • Create a copy function (GObject style)
    • Create init function with useful default values (state)
    • Create a derived type MuttumAttemptLetter with known-grapheme property
    • Create a derived type MuttumAlphabetLetter with found-count property
  • MuttumAttempt:
    • Create a copy function
    • Correctly free sub-objects
    • Add construct-only readable "n-letters" property
    • Improve foreach function signatures (GFunc is too generic)
  • MuttumBoard:
    • Create a copy function
    • Correctly free sub-objects
    • Improve foreach function signatures (GFunc is too generic)
  • MuttumAlphabet:
    • Creates this GObject like the MuttumAttempt (list of MuttumAlphabetLetter with all possible grapheme in current language)
    • Create a foreach function to go through all letters
    • Have a way to know the total number of letters
  • MuttumEngine:
    • Use GObject properties to construct (n-attemps, min-word-size, max-word-size, dictionary) and to access read-only state (current-attempt-number)
    • Create MuttumDictionary and give it as parameter to MuttumEngine (this will allow to let client to configure the engine) + Remove dictionnary from MuttumEngine class members
Edited by Adrien Dorsaz

Merge request reports