Use of ACME Directory and automatic update agreement to terms of service
- Update main script to:
- Use the ACME directory to retrieve correct URLs from the ACME servers
- Be able to update account informations (contact information and agreed terms of service)
- Read terms of service links from either the ACME directory or account informations
- Automatically update terms of service agreement with latest changes (user have to stay informed about the updates himself)
- Fix HTTP errors handling
- Update configuration to:
- Configure ACME directory instead of CAUrl
- Allow to specify contact informations (email and phone number ; beware that Let's Encrypt servers don't allow phones)
- Update tests to:
- Correctly setup before running tests without using global variable
- Correctly clean setup after running tests (correctly remove ACME account and close temporary files)
- Update requirements to latest dnspython release (as release 1.15 has fixed the dns updates issue)
- Update account delete script (you can find it in /tests/) according to updates of the main script